Lauris Technologies

Single Port Gas Flow Meter Series FF1225-U

Single Port transit-time measurement

  • Designed for ultra-low gas flow measurement, down to 0.01m/s ( 0.033ft/s);
  • Maximum gas velocity 60m/s (180ft/s)
  • Process Temperature from -50C to +135C
  • Accuracy 1.0% to 2.5%
  • Pipe sizes from 6” to 60” (152mm to 1524mm)

Typical applications: flare gas flow measurement.

The FF1225-U series of ultrasonic gas flow meters were developed specifically for retrofitting insertion type flow meters such as thermal mass flow meters, optical, Pitot tubes, etc. in applications with low gas velocity. Existing flow meters are insensitive to gases flowing under 0.1 m/s or 0.3ft/s. Gas vented from storage tanks shall be measured below this limit.

The FF1225-U series flow meters are able to measure gas flows as slow as 0.01 m/s with rangeability of 6000:1 which is not achievable by any other technology today. With insensitivity to gas composition and dirt the FF1225-U flow meters are indispensable up—to-date flow metering tools.

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